for homeowners
Without a doubt, renovation evokes different feelings in different people--but no matter what your reaction, most admit that it is both intimidating and anxiety provoking to face it outside of your home country and language comfort zone.
What's more, the Geneva area market is unlike any other most expats have experienced. Development rules, high labor costs and the lack of available building space means that any existing property with a bit of land and any character requires at best some cosmetic updating, while at worst a complete structural overhaul.
One thing is for sure, we are here as your trusted partner regardless of the size of your project or your budget.
We are experienced in navigating the endless process related to local regulations and finding dependable local craftsmen. When we don't know the answer, we know who to ask. We make it our job to sort the small and large so you can get on with your work and your family, or anything else that matters.